What does Power Bank Capacity mean?
Published:2016-01-13 17:11:03    Text Size:【BIG】【MEDIUM】【SMALL
Power Bank capacity refers to how much charge is inside a power bank battery. It is measured in mAh or milliamps per hour. When a power bank is charging a phone, some of the charge is lost in the transfer of power. In simple terms, it takes energy to transfer energy. 
So, the real capacity is about 62.9% of the battery capacity listed on the outside of a Power Bank that has a high quality battery. For example, a Power Bank with a quality battery at 2200mAh has a real capacity of 1380mAh. 820mAh is lost in the transfer of energy. 
For Power Banks with downgraded batteries, the real capacity is lower because the battery may not work as efficiently. For example, a downgraded battery may show 2200mAh on the case, but the real capacity is actually much less than 1380 mAh.
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