Does a High Capacity Power Bank charge a phone faster than a Low Capacity Power Bank?
Published:2016-01-13 17:13:09    Text Size:【BIG】【MEDIUM】【SMALL
The simple answer is No. The charge speed is determined by output current, not the capacity. The output current ranges from 500mA, to more than 1000 mA (1A). 

If the output current stays the same, High Capacity and Lower Capacity Power Banks will charge a phone at the same rate. So theoretically, at the end of an hour, a phone will have as much charge with a High Capacity power bank as it will with a Lower Capacity Power Bank. 

A high capacity power bank will be able to provide more charge than a low capacity power bank over time. Business Class and Special Class Power Banks provide 1000 mA or larger output (up to 2 amps) and Economy Class Power Banks provide between 500 mA to 800 mA (up to 1amp). Most USB ports from your computer provide 500 mA (less than 1 amp).

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